Sunday, September 15, 2013

actually a man spoke about forgiving yourself at church today. if you have forgiven everyone else but yourself and you're still beating yourself up about it, stop. Ask God to help you forgive yourself and let yourself off the hook. you may never forget what happened but at least you let it go and say it happened and now it's in my past.

What doesn't kill you...
What doesn't kill you...
friendship @Courtney Harman
friendship @Courtney Harman
so true
so true
actually a man spoke about forgiving yourself at church today. if you have forgiven everyone else but yourself and you're still beating yourself up about it, stop. Ask God to help you forgive yourself and let yourself off the hook. you may never forget what happened but at least you let it go and say it happened and now it's in my past.
actually a man spoke about forgiving yourself at church today. if you have forgiven everyone else but yourself and you're still beating yourself up about it, stop. Ask God to help you forgive yourself and let yourself off the hook. you may never forget what happened but at least you let it go and say it happened and now it's in my past.

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